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Where To Buy Citronella Geranium Seeds

I have had citronella geraniums on my back deck, on a pond, and have had little if no problems with mosquitos. I have around 8 plants scattered around and often pinch off a leaf and squeeze it, when I go out to sit for awhile. The odor smells so good. They work! just buy several to cover an area.

where to buy citronella geranium seeds

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It also furthers the point that cherry picking minimal studies instead of a broad spectrum study can prove any hypothesis correct, including my own, albeit that future studies will disprove this and others will prove it further. Although it is safe to say that the citronella variety of geraniums produce no repellant effect, but hey, they do smell nice.

You can plant citronella plants in patio and deck pots where you tend to relax and socialize so that mosquitoes find another place to dine. Citronella can also be added to borders and beds around the home to help keep the yard mosquito-free.

Commonly known as Lemon Bush. This aromatic plant starts easily from seed. When grown in a container, it only reaches 3 to 4 feet tall. No matter where you live, you can grow this lovely plant from seed in your own home and enjoy the fresh lemony fragrance. Its fresh and lemony aroma is uplifting and simply brushing the leaves will release more fragrance that will remind you of the citronella candles sold to repel mosquitos. Outside in warm zones, it will grow into a small tree, but is most commonly grown as a container plant in cooler zones. It produces sword-shaped gray-green leaves, tiny white blooms, and a bit of red fall foliage change. For growing indoors, find a nice container and grow from seed in a bright window. It can also be grown outdoors, but bring it in before the first frost to winter it indoors.Oil from the leaves is applied to the skin as a medicine and insect repellent. Citrodora Ecalyptus oil is used for preventing mosquito and deer tick bites. It is also an ingredient in chest rubs used to relieve congestion. The oil has a strong fresh citronella-like odor with a sweet balsamic undertone. Very effective insect repellent due to a higher citronellal content than citronella ( which is commercially harvested from citronella grass, a different type of plant and is used in many insect repellants ).Eucalyptus Citriodora has good branching and makes an attractive container plant with wonderful citrus-spice fragrance. It is actually an herb, and its 3-inch leaves are bold and dramatic indoors, and the white summer blooms add another interesting dimension to this versatile plant.The plants are winter hardy in USDA zones 8-11, but can be grown as a container plant or annual in any zone.Trees bloom in winter in outside in warm zones, in the greenhouse they bloom in late winter to early spring. The white blooms are not very distinctive. The blooms are followed by woody urn-shaped capsules about 3/8 of an inch wide. Eucalyptus citriodora need full sun with a well-drained soil mix for container growing. Most gum trees grow in very nutrient poor soils and fertilizer is not needed; however container plants should be feed once during the spring. To control the size of the trees in containers, do all pruning and repotting in late to early spring after flowering.How to start seeds and grow:Start seed indoors into a starter tray. ( We like to leave seed packet in the fridge for 30 days before sowing, this seems to enhance the germination ). Press the seed into the soil and cover lightly, about twice the thickness of the seed. Keep the seeds moist by watering from underneath. Once the seedlings are 4 to 5 inches tall, transplant into containers. Start with a 1 to 2 gallon container with potting mix and after a year or so, transplant into a larger 3 to 5 gallon container. Feed monthly during the growing season with water soluable plant food or mix granular 5-10-10 fertilizer with micronutrients into the soil each year. 110mg Package ( about 20-25 seeds ) $3.95 AW30 Sparky French Marigold MixIf we planted only one marigold, it would be Sparky! This is not your ordinary marigold, it is super tough and blooms all summer until frost. It has a very unusual flower form that is wide and wavy, the colors are vivid shades of deep orange and yellow that reminds you of a sunset.This is an excellent border plant that is stunning when planted in a large grouping, it also does great in baskets and containers.Flowers borne in great profusion, with up to 50 blooms per plant, in full flower at one time. Very colorful in any garden. Brightly colored 2" single flowers bloom early and abundantly on 10-12" plants.Marigolds should be planted in every flower garden as they are known to repel greenfly and blackfly ( they produce a scent that is offensive to these insects ).A 2 gram pack of seeds will contain over a 500 seeds, so you can have these wonderful flowers in your garden, baskets and background! 2g Package ( over 500 seeds ) $2.95 1/4 Ounce Package ( about 2,000 seeds ) $7.95 One Ounce Package ( about 8,000 seeds ) $17.95 TGL060 Naughty MariettaThis mischevious little darling blooms a bright yellow with reddish-brown markings. This flower is a dwarf Marigold and is very easy to grow, so it makes an excellent choice for urban gardening with limited space.French Marigold 'Naughty Marietta' is a dwarf Marigold with medium-sized, single flowers that are golden yellow with a maroon blotch at the center. Plants grow 12-18 inches tall and are long-blooming. Recommended for containers, beds & borders, and the pollinator garden. Also useful for control of insect pests in the vegetable garden. 1g pack ( about 275 seeds ) $3.95 TA04 Mountain Tobacco A graceful and ornamental species, small plants grow only 2-3 tall with yellow or green flowers. Has a very high nicotine content. A very popular tobacco with the Navajo Indians. It is an all purpose plant. I recommend using it as an ornamental, filler and pesticide base and for making tobacco dust for the garden . $2.50 per 8mg pack ( about 40-50 seeds ) $18.95 per bulk pack 1,000 seeds LET505 Balls Improved Orange CalendulaThese stunning 3" double blooms are a deep orange hue with the classic Calendula aroma, which acts as a natural mosquito repellant. This easy-to-grow annual is lovely as a cut flower or as a garnish. Grows to a height of about 24 inches. From seeds to flower in about 7 weeks. 280mg ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95HR127 Chives ( Allium schoenoprasum )Great for dressing up potatoes and spicing up salads, Chives are easy-to-grow from herb seeds, and their lavender flowers make an attractive clump or edging in gardens. Chives are a must-have kitchen herb and are perfect for almost any savory dish. The Chives herb has tubular leaves that add a delicate onion flavor to cooking. They also make a nice garnish too with flower heads that can be used! The flowers have an even milder onion flavor. As soon as the leaves have reached several inches in height, you can start harvesting the desired amounts for the kitchen. Cut the leaves with scissors, leaving 1 - 2 inches above the ground. Begin at the outside edge of the plant and work toward the center. Chop the leaves and use fresh or freeze for year-round use.Chives herb uses include being companion plants to repel insect pests. Plant these herb seeds near almost any plant that is bothered by insect pests and the Chives will instantly drive them away. 500mg package ( about 100 seeds ) $2.95 3.5g package ( over 500 seeds ) $5.95 Image: By H. Zell [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikimedia Commons D1711 Black Locust, False Acacia ( Robinia pseudoacacia )Beautiful ornamental tree loaded with white fragrant flowers. Flowering occurs in the spring, when showy, fragrant, white to yellow flowers develop in 8 inch long clusters that bees and hummingbirds love.An excellent shade tree with acacia type foliage that will mature at about 50 feet tall and 25 feet wide. Normally has thorny stickers. The fragrant flowers can be smelled for hundreds of feet in spring. This is a tree that grows well in poor soil and can be an aggressive grower in good soil, so probably best suited for areas you want to dress up or hide, and do not mind the suckering growth.The bruised foliage mixed with sugar will attract and kill flies, a useful attribute.Cannot ship to New York state. Grows well in zones 3-9. 100 seeds $5.95 Image: By Chhe [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons D1708 Kentucky Coffee Tree ( Gymnocladus dioica )A large shade tree with long leaves that are pinkish in spring,green in summer and yellow in fall. The seeds can be roastedand eaten like nuts or made into a coffee substitute, however it should be noted that unroasted seeds may be toxic, so seeds must be roasted. In addition to use as a food, the seeds of Kentucky coffee tree were used by Native Americans for ceremonial and recreational purposes. Seeds were used as dice in games of chance that were common in eastern tribes. The seeds were also used in jewelry.It has been noted that the bruised foliage when sprinkled with sweetened water will attractand kill flies. Can be raised in containers when young.Zones: 3 to 8. Package of 3 seeds $2.00 Package of 15 seeds $7.95 Image: By User:katpatuka [FAL], from Wikimedia Commons D1717 Osage Orange ( Maclura )A fast growing shrub often grown as a hedge. Pretty foliage with greenish flowers. Goodas a background or border plant.Recent research suggests that elemol, another component extractable from the fruit,shows promise as a mosquito repellent with similar activity to DEET in contact andresidual repellency.Notes:The Osage-orange is commonly used as a tree row windbreak in prairie states,which gives it one of its colloquial names, "hedge apple". It was one of the primary treesused in President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's "Great Plains Shelterbelt" WPA project,which was launched in 1934 as an ambitious plan to modify weather and prevent soilerosion in the Great Plains states, and by 1942 resulted in the planting of 30,233shelterbelts containing 220 million trees that stretched for 18,600 miles (29,900 km).The sharp-thorned trees were also planted as cattle-deterring hedges before theintroduction of barbed wire and afterward became an important source of fence posts.The heavy, close-grained yellow-orange wood is very dense and is prized for toolhandles, treenails, fence posts, electrical insulators, and other applications requiring astrong dimensionally stable wood that withstands rot. Straight-grained osage timber (mostis knotty and twisted) makes very good bows. In Arkansas, in the early 19th century, agood Osage bow was worth a horse and a blanket. Additionally, a yellow-orange dye canbe extracted from the wood, which can be used as a substitute for fustic and aniline dyes.When dried, the wood has the highest BTU content of any wood, and burns long and hot.Today, the fruit is sometimes used to deter spiders, cockroaches, boxelder bugs, crickets,fleas, and other arthropods.Leaves turn bright yellow in fall, thorny branches, bears inedible round fruit 3-5" indiameter. The fruit is prized for it's ability to repel insects and spiders when scatteredaround home foundations. The crushed fruits of this plant are said to attract and killcockroaches. Can be raised as container plant in northern states. The wood is sought after for recurve bow making. Both male and female plants areneeded to produce fruit. The ratio of male/female plants the seeds produce is up to mothernature, but a pack of 10 seeds always produces a mix of male/female plants in all of ourprevious field trials. Can be grown in zones 4-9. Package of 10 seeds $2.45 Package of 50 seeds $7.95 HR123 Catnip ( Nepeta cataria )A very easy to grow plant for pots, baskets and gardens.Catnip is a perennial herb from the mint family. It has a square, hairy stalk with typically gray green colored heart shaped leaves that have scalloped edges. Flowers grow in spikes, reaching 1/2 inch in length. It is best known for its ability to get cats high.Native to Europe and Asia, catnip became naturalised in North America and Canada after being introduced by the colonists in the 1600s. The name Nepeta is believed to have come from the town of Nepete in Italy, and Cataria is thought to have come from the Latin word for cat.The active ingredient that causes a high in cats is an essential oil called nepetalactone, which can be found in the leaves and stems of the plant. Because cats affected by catnip roll on the floor, which mimics a female in estrus, it has been suggested that the plant acts as an aphrodisiac, but this is unlikely, as males react the same way as females. What is probable is the cat is reacting to similar feel good pheromones released during sexual courtship/activity. However, non sexual behaviour including playing, chasing, and hunting can also be observed.Around 50 to 66% of cats are affected by catnip, and to differing degrees. Kittens younger than eight weeks old aren't able to enjoy its effect; in fact, they show an aversion to it. The response to catnip is mediated through the olfactory system. When nepetalactone enters the cat's nasal passages, it binds to olfactory receptors located at the olfactory epithelium. This stimulates sensory neurons, which trigger neurons in the olfactory bulb to send signals to the brain. The response to catnip is inherited as an autosomal dominant gene, which means the gene only needs to be passed on from one parent.It's not just domesticated cats who enjoy the effects of catnip; many other wild species of cats also enjoy it. Cats can smell 1 part per billion in the air. Males and females, fertile or desexed there appears to be no one group more readily affected by catnip than another.A typical response includes sniffing, chewing, licking, head shaking, and chin, cheek, and body rubbing (in that order). Additional responses may include stretching, drooling, jumping, licking, aggression, and hyperactivity. Sniffing that produces the high; it is believed that cats eat catnip to bruise the catnip, thereby releasing more of the nepetalactone. The high produced will usually last between five and ten minutes, followed by a one hour refractory period.Interestingly, researchers say that nepetalactone is about ten times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET, which is the active ingredient in most insect repellents. It was also discovered that catnip repels cockroaches! Plants aren't alone in containing nepetalactone; some insects and ants also contain it. It's been speculated that this protects them from other insects.Rats and mice are also believed to have a strong dislike of catnip and will avoid places where it grows.Is catnip harmful to cats? Catnip is not harmful to your cat. They won't overdose on it. Most cats know when they've had enough and will refuse any further offers.A perennial best suited for zones 4-9. 105mg package ( over 100 seeds ) $2.50 D1721 Blazing Star ( Liatris spicata ) A beautiful plant often raised for its ornamental appeal. Has rosy purple spikes of flowers up to 15" long. The dried roots of the plant have a soft vanilla smell and will repel moths when placed among clothes. A hardy perennial that is easy to grow from seeds reaching 3-6 ft. tall. 45mg package ( about 25 or more seeds ) $2.95 HR183 Rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis )Grow Rosemary from herb seeds to create a lovely garden or container herb plant that is highly resistant to deer, drought and pests. This tough little garden gem is one of the most ornamental plants for the herb garden.Aromatic leaves and stems used to flavor meats and sauces. Excellent for potpourri.A perennial outside in zones 7-10, but often grown inside as a kitchen herb. 65mg Package ( about 30 seeds ) $2.50 250 seeds $7.95 HR245 Wormwood ( Artemisia absinthium )Chances are, many readers know that wormwood is the key ingredient in the famous European beverage Absinthe. Almost as many know little else about this fascinating and beneficial herb. Wormwood belongs to the genus Artemisia, named for the goddess Artemis. The members of this genus belong to the family Compositae, along with daisies, tarragon, and a whole host of other plants we find in the field, the garden, and the kitchen. Wormwood has finely-divided foliage that is gray-green in color and aromatic. In mid-summer, it produces many yellow flowers. Widely used as an insect repellent, it is mostly noted for its ingredients used to make Absinthe.A perennial for zones 3-8. Cannot ship to ND, SD, MN 60mg Package ( about 500 or more seeds ) $5.95 HR180 Pennyroyal ( Mentha pulegium )A strong but pleasantly scented plant used to repel insects and protect linens. Makes a beautiful ground cover.Ground pennyroyal is one of the most effective tick deterrents available. As a flea deterrent, dried pennyroyal leaves can be scattered around pet's bedding area. As a pest repellent, crushed pennyroyal stems stuck in your hat and pockets really will repel gnats and mosquitoes. Dog owners often see their dogs rolling in pennyroyal patches, and dog instincts can usually be trusted.A perennial plant for zones 6-9, but can also be grown inside. 2mg Package of about 25-30 seeds $2.50 250 seeds $7.95 D1739 True Lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia ) A beautiful aromatic perennial that is hardy to zone 5 and can be raised in tubs in colder climates. The most fragrant lavender. Beautiful lavender flowers on long stems and narrow green leaves. Sow in fall or spring. When planted in the garden, it will deter pests with its fragrance. When dried and placed in closets and drawers with clothes, it will deter moths and lend its wonderful fragrance to the clothes. 85mg package ( about 50 seeds ) $2.50 Z2804 3g Bulk Package ( will plant about 25-30 square feet ) $5.95 HR195 Sage ( Salvia officinalis )Here's an easy-to-grow from herb seeds addition to the garden! The Sage herb has fragrant gray-green leaves and attractive mauve flower spikes in early summer. It is highly attractive to birds, bees and butterflies. Sage has a long history of medicinal and culinary uses. In the garden, it should be planted next to cabbage as it will improve the taste of the plant and repel cabbage worms and moths. It is also a very attractive, evergreen perennial that produces mauve colored flowers during the blooming season. It is an excellent ground cover for edging sidewalks or garden pathways where its attractive foliage and flowers can be appreciated. Many people also dry sage for creating aromatic wreaths and dried flower arrangements. It's such a versatile plant, growing in a rock garden or bordering an herb garden and so easy to start from seeds.Containing naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals, the herb sage is best known as a culinary spice that adds flavor to poultry dishes. However, sage has been used for hundreds of years in folk medicine to treat a variety of different ailments. Most commonly drunk as a tea, sage herb is good for the nerves, digestive system and for balancing estrogen levels in women. 410mg pack ( about 50 seeds ) $2.50 4.1g pack ( about 500 seeds ) $7.95 D1751 Pyrethrum Plant ( Chrysanthemum )Also known as Tanacetum cinerariifolium. An amazing and beautiful plant grown throughout the world, it is hardy to zone 4 in the USA, makes a wonderful flower bed plant or container plant. A beautiful daisy that is hardy and blooms throughout the spring and summer. The dried flowers are used to make probably the best natural pesticide available. Simply drying the flowers and making a dust or spray is a great way to control insect pests. The plant is economically important as a natural source of insecticide. The flowers are pulverized and the active components, called pyrethrins, contained in the seed cases, are extracted and sold in the form of an oleoresin. This is applied


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